Wood Farm Primary School

Year 6 Kingfishers Class 202

Hello everyone, my name is Mr Payne, and if you were in Mr Stanton's class last year it'll be time to move on up to Year 6 with me in September!

I’m very excited to be spending the next year as your teacher and I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all.  Here are some facts about me:

As I mentioned on transition morning, I love to be active and really enjoy practising skills and trying new sports.  Some of my favourite ways of staying active are to go for a run, to play football with my son Benjamin, to ride my bike and go for long walks. 

I really love reading and sharing stories with the classes that I teach.  My favourite author from this year has been Frank Cottrell Boyce – I’ve found his stories to be very funny and interesting.  I hope that you will enjoy them too when we share some of his books together.

I also love nature!  I’m constantly amazed by the things that animals and plants can do and I love discovering and learning new facts about the natural world.  I’m enjoying gardening at the moment so maybe you could all help me to grow some new plants for our class room next year…

As you know, our class mascot is the Kingfisher – here are some things that Kingfishers do that we can be great at too:

  • They work together to create things.
  • They work hard.
  • They stand out.

Can you discover any more kingfisher facts during the summer holiday? Maybe you'd like to have a go at drawing something for our new classroom, or writing something to go on display? I'd love to see anything you create - and don't forget you can email me at our new class address kingfishers@wood-farm.oxon.sch.uk 

Have a great summer, and see you soon.


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