Phonics means learning about the different sounds in the English language, and the letters and groups of letters that represent them. Learning sounds and letters, and knowing how to blend sounds together is a key skill in learning to read.
In our school we teach children phonics everyday, from early in Reception and through Year 1 and Year 2, using a fun teaching programme called 'Floppy's Phonics'. In their phonics lessons the children learn different sounds and how they are written (as a letter or groups of letters). They practice blending sounds together to read words, and they also practice writing letters and words.
What you'll see:
Whole classes in Reception and Key Stage 1 working together each day with their teacher, learning the sounds that letters and groups of letters make.
Children learning how sounds blend together to make words.
Children using their knowledge of sounds and letters to read words in a book or on a screen.
Groups or individual children getting extra support with their phonics from a teacher or teaching assistant
Children reading a book from the 'Floppy's Phonics' scheme, that matches their stage of reading ability.
What you'll hear:
Teachers reading to the whole class.
Children reading to an adult.
Children use carefully chosen reading books during their phonics lessons, and they have reading books that they take home and bring into school that are matched to the sounds and letters they've been learning.
Floppy's Phonics features the familiar characters from the Oxford Reading Tree series - Biff, Chip and Kipper, that are known and loved by many children in primary schools!
You can find out more about phonics, and how to help children at home, here (this link takes you to the publisher of the Floppy's Phonics series).
Click below for more information, and for resources to help learning at home: