Applying for a place in Reception September 2025

If your child turns five between September 2024 and August 2025 you will be thinking about choosing a primary school for next September. We're delighted that you have visited our website to find out more about our school and the admissions process.
We have two Reception classes at Wood Farm, so each year we admit 60 children to the youngest classes in our school. We have an experienced and friendly staff team, led by our two class teachers and supported by our team of Teaching Assistants, Nursery Nurses and a further additional teacher. We are very fortunate to have beautiful modern buildings at Wood Farm, with a large enclosed Reception garden that the children access year-round. We also have our on-site Forest School site, and we work closely with the Slade Nursery School, which joins on to us.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum - each day the children experience a mixture of whole class or group teaching, small group work, and play and exploration activities. Children also enjoy snack time together in class, and eat lunch prepared freshly each day in our school kitchens.
We'd love to welcome you to our school on one of our open sessions or booked visits during October to January. Please contact our school office to arrange a visit: Tel: 01865 762575.
How to apply for a place in Reception
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, they should start primary school in September 2025, and will join the first class in primary school, which is known as 'Reception'.
Applications for admission to Wood Farm Primary are made through Oxfordshire County Council's Schools Admissions Service, rather than by the school. The county council make the decisions about who is offered a place, but we are very happy to support you with the process of applying. If your child needs a school place for September 2025, you should apply during the application window which runs from 1st November 2024 to early January 2025 (date to be confirmed). It is important to send your application for school places before the January deadline to have the best chance of getting a place at the school you choose.
Choosing a school for your child is an important decision, and we are always pleased to meet parents who are thinking about applying for a place at Wood Farm School: just contact the school office to make an appointment and we will be delighted to show you around our beautiful school, and introduce you to our staff and children.
After the January deadline you can still apply for a place, but this will be considered in the second round of applications, and will be classed as a 'late application'. These applications will not be considered until April 2025, after the council has given places to those who made on-time applications.
If you are unhappy with the school place you have been offered, you may appeal for a place at the school you wanted for your child. You can find information about this here.
If your child is due to start school in September 2024 and you have not yet applied, please contact our school office and we can support you through the process of making a late application.
Moving school mid-year
If you move into the area or are seeking a different school for your child, it is often possible to move schools part way through the year.
Again, places are allocated through the Oxfordshire County Council's Admissions Service, and are reliant on there being spaces within the particular year group. We regularly welcome children mid-year and our pupils are brilliant at warmly welcoming new children who join their classes. We would be delighted to show you around and talk to you more about starting at Wood Farm School: please contact the school office on 01865 762575 to arrange a visit.
Click here to watch a short introductory film about Reception at Wood Farm Primary
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My child moved school mid-year, Wood Farm have been fantastic at helping her settle in and quickly assessing her strengths and weaknesses.