Wood Farm Primary School

Our School

A message from the head teacher:

Photograph of head teacherWelcome to the website for Wood Farm Primary School, I am delighted that you would like to know more about our fantastic school here in Headington, Oxford.  Our mission is to be outstanding in all that we do – by challenging ourselves and helping each other to Reach Higher, See Further and to Shine Brighter every day.  At Wood Farm School we are fascinated by learning, by interesting ideas and questions, and we want our children to go on to enjoy learning for the rest of their lives – and to make a difference in the world.


Our mission is to be outstanding - in all that we do

There has been a school for primary age children in Wood Farm for well over fifty years – but never one with the stunning facilities and buildings that we are fortunate to have.  Completed in 2014 our new buildings are like no others in Oxford and mean that we can provide some of the best facilities for teaching, sport and the creative arts.

Whether you are a parent looking for some useful information about the school, a potential applicant, or a visitor just interested in knowing a bit more I hope you enjoy visiting our website, and please remember that you will be very welcome to visit our school in person: please contact us – we look forward to meeting you.

Best wishes

David Lewin, Head teacher.

Statutory school information