Wood Farm Primary School

Story Makers

Story Makers: Stories of Stone, Body and Bone. Since September, eight of our year 5 and 6s have taken part in an exciting project run by Helen Edwards and Fusion Arts and supported by Oxford University Natural History Museum.

Through the project, the children became artists, working in a together to create clay, textile, collage and drawn pieces of art inspired by their own imagination and the amazing rocks, minerals and stones of the Natural History Museum. As well as this, they became actors and writers, learning to communicate their feelings and ideas in a range of different ways.

The project ended with an amazing exhibition at the Oxford University Natural History Museum. The children and their families were invited to come to the museum to explore the collections, create some more art and see their work displayed for the public!

Special thanks to Helen Edwards who ran the sessions, and to Mrs Weitzel, Mr Martin and Mr Jenkins, the staff from Wood Farm who made it so successful!


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