Miss Sekulic (SENCo)
Hi everyone, I’m Miss Sekulic and I am the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). I am new to Wood Farm School; I am really looking forward to September and the start of the new school year!
I am going to be helping to make sure that all the children at Wood Farm school have every opportunity to fulfil their potential. I will be helping your teachers to adapt their teaching so that all children the make progress in their learning.
My favourite subject to teach at school is Literacy. When I want to relax, I spend my time reading. I love to read fiction books and poetry. My favourite poetry book is 'A Great Big Cuddle' by Michael Rosen and this summer I will be reading 'Escape to the River Sea' by Emma Carroll. When I am not at school, I love to spend time with my family. In my family I have a husband and a daughter. We love to go to the park where we play in the playpark on the swings and on the slide. We love to go on forest adventures and hunt for minibeasts and insects – this summer we have seen caterpillars, snails and even grasshoppers.
I also love to dance for exercise, and I love to complete physical challenges. I once kayaked on the river Thames in London from Greenwich to Westminster, and I like to climb tall mountains. When I was little, I used to live in a country called Serbia. When I first moved to England, I used to live in Wood Farm on Chillingworth Crescent. I am so looking forward to meeting you all in September and getting to know you and your families.