Miss Holman & Miss Fellows' South Africa Blog
Miss Fellows and Miss Holman spent the week commencing 19th May 2014 in South Africa, visiting our partner school Adelaide Primary. During the week they kept in touch with us via text, e-mail and video conferencing - and you can also read the diary of their visit on this page.
Hello everyone!
We arrived safely after a long flight. Both of us managed to sleep well so were really pleased. Mr Human met us at the airport and took us for lunch at the seafront in Port Elizabeth. After that we went on a little tour of the city. In the evening we went out for a lovely dinner with the other English teachers who are working at other schools.
We woke up very excited at the possibility of seeing a giraffe! Mr Human picked us up and took us to Addo Elephant park. We Saw zebras, elephants, kudu, warthogs and lots of other animals. Towards the end we saw a baby elephant (we have photos so will show you when we get back). We left the park and started the long drive to Adelaide. Miss Holman was just falling asleep when Mr Human shouted “giraffe!” By the side of the road, we couldn’t believe it. There was a giraffe in the field. We jumped out to take a photo. That made our day! When we got to Adelaide we met some of the children who stay at the hostel. They were very excited and gave us a tour of their home. We then went for dinner in a place called FortBeaufort and then when we got back we went to sleep, both of us were tired and excited about School.
School here starts at 7:30 am.
The alarm went off at 5.45am. Then the goose (in the garden) greeted us with a squawk! We had breakfast in the hostel with Miss Van de Vyver and went to school. It was an early start as school here starts at 7.30am. We met some of the other children and teachers and went to assembly. We had a lovely day finding out about school in South Africa and sharing all of your letters. The teachers are going to make sure we have some to bring back with us. School finished at 1.30pm and then we had lunch. In the evening we experienced our first Brie (BBQ). It was delicious!
Today we were woken up by the goose again! When we got to school we asked the teachers to ask their class to draw their self portraits (like you did) so we can start to make a display here and bring some back to do the same at Wood Farm. After that we went and visited the biggest wind farm in Africa. It was incredible and we learnt a lot. We will bring some photos back to show you all. Tomorrow we are going to be working with Grade 4 to think about how to look after the environment. After that we are watching Adelaide play a netball and rugby match against Yellowwood school.
We visited the biggest wind farm in Africa.
Today the school started with choir practice so during this time Miss Fellows and I helped the staff to set up the interactive whiteboard and they all had a go using it. Mr Human was particularly impressed and is going to set up a timetable so classes can go and use it. After that we taught with Miss Van de Vyver. The children were all very excited because today was sport after school. There were 9 or 10 rugby and netball teams who played against another school. It was a huge event and the whole school went to watch. Adelaide beat Yellow Woods in every match! In the evening we went to a teacher's house for supper. We tried lots of traditional South African food.
Today we spent the day in school again and taught Miss Van De Vyver's class a May dance! We have recorded it so will show you when we get back. We enjoyed skyping our classes and miss you all lots. We hope that the May festival goes well this afternoon and that it doesn't rain. This afternoon, after school we are going on a game drive, so are hoping to see some more animals.
We've been answering lots of questions about England and Wood Farm.
We hope you are all ok and that the May festival went well and that it stayed dry. Today is our last day in school. We have spent the first part of the morning in grade 2 (year 3) and grade 7 (year 9) where we answered lots of questions about England and Wood Farm. After break we are going into Pre Primary (year 1) to see what they do. Pre Primary is a different school at the moment but soon will become part of Adelaide Primary School. Today is our last day at school, we will be sad to leave all the children but have promised that we will Skype soon and we have lots of letters to bring back with us. This afternoon, Mr Human is hopefully going to take us to see a baby giraffe (Miss Holman is very excited!). This evening we are having a farewell braai (BBQ) and then tomorrow we are heading back to Port Elizabeth before we fly home on Sunday.
We are looking forward to seeing you all after half term, and hope you have a relaxing holiday.
Miss Holman and Miss Fellows